Modular Design Advancing Customs & Excise Parts Identification Capability
In our previous post, Air Conditioner Accidents and Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) Ratings (Link), we briefly discussed the need for Right to Repair-led modular design initiatives while discussing the changing context of targeted customers and their limited resources. Now we will take the same discussion forward and discuss in detail the various contexts of modular design.
If a huge number of parts have to be imported due to the Right to Repair-led modular design initiatives, the pipeline for the identification of these parts at Customs & Excise will have to be strengthened. Instead of the electronic products the modules (parts) will be taxed differently based on their compositions (compounds) and not just on their ‘form factor’ only. This will make a huge shift in duties, and taxing policies. Although, it is achievable in the age of AI-driven accounting and economics.
After this, the genuineness of these parts will also have to be confirmed by taking them to their respective sector-wise laboratories for Quality Assurance.
India is an economy that imports electronics.
Counterfeit parts will increase the risk of various hazards and accidents by manifold. A variety of equipment will be needed to identify the parts, to confirm the genuineness, and for Quality Assurance in different stages of the Customer Experience cycle. In today’s era of AI, automated laboratories can accomplish these huge tasks cost-effectively.
This alternative business sector segment will have two benefits. The first benefit is that the job market for researchers advancing on identification, evaluation, and quality assurance of different products in different sectors will heat up. The intellectual pool of experienced researchers will thrive in India. The second advantage is that a seemingly new business sector segment will provide cover for the growth of automated AI laboratory processes and pipelines in India with little resistance from existing stakeholders.
First in the series is Voltas Air Conditioner’s Deficiency in Service and Profiteering. (Link)
Previous in the series are AI Tech Companies and Insurance Companies Profit from Consumer Courts. (Link)
Next in the series is Consumerism Promoting Modular Design for Space Mission. (Link)