Inclusion of Process Intelligence & Influencer Marketing in Evolving Freelance Platforms

Ratul Aich
3 min readOct 3, 2020
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Freelance platforms are evolving with the growing need of dynamic markets. The reduced opportunity of employment under Continuous Service, popularly known as Permanent Employees is one of the reason for the shift in focus on Freelancing platforms.

Until now the Freelance Platforms would connect the buyer & sellers with each other. Sellers sell their vocational services & buyers are the clients. The clients are expected to be wise enough to know about the process of the project & the different vocational specialists that are required to execute the project. Thus, the scope of the Freelance platforms were limited.

Process & product innovations are at the forefront of a company’s survival. Companies invest in research to shape niche specialty, that they market as unique selling point.

Now, the Freelance Platforms are evolving into Freelance Project Consultant Platforms. It means in due time an investor with a vague idea can hire a Chief Innovation Officer & Product VP on Freelancing platforms. The freelance platform will provide process intelligence in real time across the horizon that a Project Management Office (PMO) would take a couple of years to identify, explore & build consensus. Thought leadership studies on processes would be readily available.

The software development teams have reduced with time, due to the rise of frameworks & api. The consulting, strategy & design teams have grown bigger due to hyper connected globally competitive markets.

In 1980 one person coded a whole Operating System. Saying relatively, 1980 is long past for UX.

How would a consultant pitch this to a Layman Stakeholder Team in the absence of relevant Quantitative data on similar projects by Field, Size & other such factors? Stakeholder acquired knowledge from a thought leadership conclave attended two years back is obsolete. Product Managers & Project Managers can’t be expected to have the knowledge of all the specialists & domains that are applied in the project.

Fiverr has launched Fiverr Business. Boost your team with exceptional talent. Set your team up for success every time with the help of freelance talent you can count on.

On one side you are managing a full time Project Team, along with the flexibility to hire, freelancers on demand for a specialty gig.

A lot of time we find in recruitment Job Boards, that our domain & expertise is not listed in dropdown. One of the reason could be that the new domain has not been institutionalized & formalized yet. Now the newer domains will be identified, evaluated, positioned, re-evaluated & re-positioned regularly. Similar projects would be analyzed to draw intelligence that would make the successive projects lean by improving the worker’s pipeline & still adequately maintain a healthy work environment.

Another important aspect that the evolving Freelance platform would touch upon is Influencer marketing of Enterprise & Utility products. We all know about Product Hunt. Product Hunt hosts Enterprise & Utility B2B products. These products are referred by one to another. Hiring people by product knowledge along with process knowledge is important to commence the project swiftly. Process knowledge helps the team to communicate & negotiate. Product knowledge helps the team to collaborate & build together. Searching the Specialists by product would also feature recommendation of specialist on competitive products. Adopting the competitive product could help the project manager to check the budget & advance the efficiency. Cross skilling help the Specialists to stand out from the crowd. Among these specialists, some would turn out to be product influencer. Influencer marketing will help the new products to survive.

In the near future we will see a lot of product management, project management & business intelligence applications collaborating with popular freelancing platforms for analytics.



Ratul Aich

UX Principal Consultant, BSc Viscom, Diploma Animation. Disruptive blogging, Erotica, Drama, Slice of Life Film Screenwriting.