Photograph of Coffee cups of many types taken from top view.
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Chat GPT Changing The Face of Mood Advertising Part 2

Ratul Aich


Click here to find part 1 of Chat GPT Changing the Face of Mood Advertising Through Influencers Reels.

Be it Roast & Ground, Soluble, or Single Served, Coffee is one of the few consumer goods with an evolved branding ecosystem worldwide that advertises the demeanor of consumption to persuade a massive base of customer segments. Scarcely, a popular good like coffee exists in the FMCG Sector, corresponding to the expanse of the customer base, advertised by flaunting the demeanor around consumption.

Trimming down a long story short around coffee about coffee. Urban and suburban folks need no introduction to the huge industry of appetizers sold by cafes, eateries, and restaurants that survived in-n-around the foundational coffee ecosystem by advertising coffee as the primal sentiment. The primal sentiment has been further distinguished by the experience and demeanor to persuade specific segments of customers to steer clear of the neighborhood competition.

Coffee is a popular beverage in the cities and towns in the southern part of India to its counterpart Tea which is a popular beverage in the northern part of India. Accented with this arousing topic, I take solace with you in the insuppressible urge to discuss the politics of Coffee and Tea over a cup of coffee or tea but least assured my vested motives behind highlighting the topic weren’t to play divide and rule.

The traditional and older generation preferably enjoys coffee in Darsini restaurants. Darsini restaurants have a distinctive contemporary theme which is a milder and portable interpretation of South India’s Heritage themes. The pop culture generation enjoys a coffee at Starbucks (Interior Design theme represents post World War I Modern Era), Barista (Interior Design theme represents post World War II Modern Era) & Cafe Coffee Day (Interior Design theme represents the Era of Bauhaus Minimalism).

The different social classes (lower-middle class, middle class, upper middle class) and different customer segments (youth, midlife, elderly) in a social class are advertised differently for a specific product category (Roast & Ground, Soluble, or Single Served Coffee) which is infused with different fashion and cinematic themes which creates bifurcation in the vibes, moods, and perception around a product category in different customer segment of a social class which is used as an instrument to alter quality and price.

The analytics generated from browsing, searching, watch time, likes, and shares of the content on social media automatically aligns the future content served to the user along with associating the user loosely to a class and customer segment (schemata). The reels & advertisements are featured to maximize the persuasion belonging to the same social class intersecting with the taste (psychographic profile) of the user. This also ends up creating Echo Chamber around the User (Link). Social Media platforms should give users these 5 data scheme switches corresponding to the Color Wheel (Color Theory) to shake up the Echo Chamber. The 5 data schemes are Complementary data, Triadic data, Tetradic data, Split-complementary data, and Square data. Anyways, wandering back to the topic.

Until now the advertisement video once rendered would be broadcast with absolute intactness for all the viewers watching the video. But with the advancement in Generative AI technology, it is now possible to make changes within the video to personalize it for the viewer and re-render it in real-time for every viewer. The in-video real-time modifications will be taken advantage of by marketers and advertisers to enhance the longevity of the flow state of the user browsing reels and ads with the applied concept of stylizing, to maintain the consistency in the theme served to a sub-class. Say, your mood has been eloquently enhanced over the next 20 mins of scrolling reels in a way to entice you emotionally to grab a mug of coffee from Starbucks that represents one sequence of ‘product flow state’. We will witness marketers pulling out many tricks in the same context. One of them that I may think of is a seamless transition from one set of reels followed by ads ‘product 1 flow state’ to cross-selling another set of reels followed by ads ‘product 2 flow state’ maintaining an overall consistent theme throughout. The market competition will cultivate mushrooms of newer subclasses.

Meta Enters Generative AI Race With 3 Tools For Facebook and Instagram Advertisers. (Link)

Generative AI tools in the near future will articulate every bit of content on Social Media for conditioning every individual distinctly by shaping the tone, rhythm, accent, speech disfluencies, & vocabulary segregating different subliminal classes of people within the same school of thought. People in one domain belonging to a communication class (prototype) could congenially associate with people from another domain of the same class which will be taken advantage of by Political Science Strategists. (Extended Link)

If you liked the post, look for courses on Cognitive Linguistics and read Metaphors We Live By a book by George Lakoff and Mark Johnson published in 1980.



Ratul Aich

UX Principal Consultant, BSc Viscom, Diploma Animation. Disruptive blogging, Erotica, Drama, Slice of Life Film Screenwriting.